My parents have spent over ?20,000 to employ, Greenway Home Improvements Ltd to construct a conservatory & porch. Only to discover the conservatory is NOT energy efficient, doubts regarding the roofing system (supplied by Ultrafame) being structurally safe following an incident where the conservatory double glazed glass roof 10?x2?6? panel fell out of the roof frame, bowing down into the conservatory and allowing water to enter.
Greenway?s Fitters, Steve & John neglected to full fill the contract (agreed by Tom Tucker, Greenway Salesperson), by not carrying out the necessary building work whilst constructing my parent?s bricked porch. This Andrew Green ? MD of Greenway Home Improvements Ltd will not address, neither will Matthew Glover & Greg Kane of Conservatory Outlet.
The following is a brief summary of the complaint?(a brief summary was sent to Greenway, email dated 13 July 2011):-
1.A 10? x 2?6?Double Glazed Roof Glass Panel come out of the roof frame and bowing down into the conservatory. This happened 16 weeks after completion.
2.Roof support trims, some supplied undersized and fitted by Steve, John, & Rob, some cut too small (near the roof valley) and fitted by Steve, John & Rob. Steve & John had no intention of replacing these trims, even though the trims were not fit for purpose, thus not making the conservatory energy efficient, allowing water and draughts in.
3.Steve, John & Rob had little respect for the my family property on many occasions, using home appliances without asking permission, breaking items around the garden and hiding them in shrubbery.
4.Rob the fitter for Greenway?s got aggressive with me, for cleaning the conservatory. Yet I used the method that was relayed to me by Ian Haines, the Greenway surveyor.
5.My family had to experience the backlash from Steve & John for the previously arranged, (with Tom Tucker & Ian Haines), internal door to be temporally boarded up while the front door was waiting to be replaced. (Security reasons) The discussion between Steve & John went as far as to call someone ?twatters?.
6.My family made enquiries to Ian Haines regarding the investigation work allegedly carried out by Steve & John into the depth of the footing already present for the new porch brickwork. (Were these footings suitable?) There was no evidence to prove this was conducted by Steve & John. Yet these instructions are on the contract.
7.Steve& John signed off the conservatory and left a considerable hole between the house wall and the conservatory. Allowing water to enter the conservatory.
8.Steve, John & Rob left the backing on, the adhesive strips on the roof trim. Thus the glass was not secured completely.
9.Steve called the my family liars concerning a crack in the double glazed glass panel, from the side of the conservatory. This crack rendered the double glazed unit as non-energy efficient.
10.Steve & John became aggressive towards my family, when we enquired why the double glazed roof panel had fallen out of the roof frame.
11.Steve & John have lied to the company, Greenway in regards to the customers (my family), not leaving the fitter alone to carry out the job (CCTV recordings to substantiate that Steve & John are not being truthful). Furthermore, if my family were constantly bombarding the fitters with question, as the fitters claimed. How did Steve have the opportunity to once again smear silicon up on the middle of a pane of the self-cleaning glass on the conservatory?
12.The fitters Steve & John, not only made the customers feel uneasy by their aggression, on?28 February 2011 & 22 June 2011(whilst in the my family?s home),but also when Steve called Andrew Green the MD of Greenway, a liar and stated he would tell him (Andrew) this to his face. This is not very customer friendly.
13.Steve & John have gone as far as to slander my family (Greenway Customers) to discredit their characters in order to deflect the issues/matters/complaints from themselves, the causers of the conflict.
The above is a proportionate account of how Steve, John& Rob fitters of Greenway Home Improvements Ltd have treated my family.
The response I received from The MD Mr Andrew Green, of Greenway Home Improvements Ltd was:-
?have decided that your e-mail counterproductive. In Response, I have skipped to the end??
To clarify matters.
The installation was stated as being complete and fit for purpose on?24 February 2011(fitters Steve, John & Rob of Greenway)
Yet Greenway fitters (Steve & John) returned?28 February 2011?to carry out issues on the conservatory.
Greenway fitter (Rob) returned on?19 May 2011?to carry out further issues with the conservatory e.g. water entering through holes in roofing trims etc. Rob got very aggressive towards me when discussing how the water was entering the conservatory. Also, Rob prised the double glazed roofing panel up to remove the backing from adhesive seals, which had been left on during installation by Steve, John & Rob. The valley capping and guttering was misshaped following Rob?s manhandling of the roofing glass. It was also reported to Rob that the guttering surrounding the conservatory sloped away from the down-pipe, thus holding at least 20mm of water.
What I found strange was that, Rob at this point knew exactly where the holes were situation in the conservatory roof, prior to any member of my family indicating how the water was entering the conservatory. How? Unless the fitter (Steve, John & Rob) knew the state they had left the conservatory in.
Greenway ? MD Mr Andrew Green visited, on?25 May 2011, my family home, following the aggressive behaviour of Rob, the damage left by Rob and the issues (structural, energy efficiency etc.) with the conservatory.?Mr Andrew Green took away a considerable list of outstanding issues, which now appear to?have disappeared. Stated as, Mr Green will not refer to the issues itemised on this lists, just keeps reiterating, ?complete this one small item?.
During Mr Green?s visit of?25 May 2011, it was agreed by both parties?(Mr Green & my family) that not to cause any further damage to the glass or surrounds, that additional trims would be added inside and outside to cover the substantial holes in the roofing trims. Mr Green also agreed that an additional down-pipe would be added to drain away the substantial water that was being held in the guttering. There were also problems with the valley capped that had been misshaped, flashing and the internal sills. All were itemised on Mr Green?s list to be rectified.
20 June 2011at approx. 8.30 pm?I entered the conservatory and found water entering from the roof. On inspection it was discovered that one of the roof panels had fallen out of the roof support. Quickly furniture was moved, dust sheets were put down and my family had to prop up the glass in the roof(the double glazed glass panel which is approx. 10 foot x 2?6 had bowing out of the frame in the roof). An e-mail was sent to Mr Green marked as, emergency as my family feared the roof glass could collapse in.
21 June 2011?A member of my family telephoned Mr Green as there had been no response to the emergency e-mail. Mr Green was asked if he could came and look at the roof .Mr Green stated he was unavailable all day and would send Mr Haines (Greenway Surveyor), as he was the more of the structurally minded person, than Mr Green. Greenway confirmed that Mr Haines was to call when he returned from Gloucester. At approx.?3.10 pm on
21 June 2011my family?e-mailed Mr Green following Mr Haines non arrival.
At approx.?3.20 pm on 21 June 2011?Mr Haines arrive, at my family Home. Mr Ian Haines (Greenway surveyor) looked at the roof and informed my family to leave the prop holding the glass up in place for safety. My family discussed again the problems of the roof trims that were letting in draughts and water, etc. Mr Haines explained the trims are delivered pre-cut, except for the trims either side of the roof valley. My family know for a fact, the valley trims were:- one side undercut leaving a 1cm+ hole and the other wrongly fitted, at an angle, leaving another gap. When discussing the problems, each time Mr Haines response was, ?see John & Steve when they call tomorrow?. Mr Haines also said he would phone the fitters at home that night. Additionally, Mr Haines did add that the supplier might have to become involved.
22 June 2011 at approx. 9.10am, John and Steve arrived; my family enquire the explanation of why the glass had come out of its frame, but both John & Steve were not forth coming with answers. My family did notice Steve didn?t reset the double glazed roofing panel, simply prised the glass panel across the roof frame with a screw driver. Questions were asked to the fitters, relevant to the job in hand. During the discussion with the fitters, it became apparent that all Mr Green had previously promised, was not going to happen according to Steve & John. Steve even went as far as to call Mr Green ?A liar ????.?and? I?ll tell it to his face.? This put my family in a very awkward position. The fitters left at approx. 9.40am, stating that John was going to telephone Mr Green and request a follow up telephone call to my family. Following the fitters departure it was once again found that the fitters has smeared silicon on the centre of one of the self-cleaning panes of glass. This was a habit of Greenway Fitters while working on my family?s conservatory.
Anyone can clearly see, Greenway Home Improvements Ltd has had ample opportunities to rectify the list of issues with my conservatory and in fact each time has?caused further damage.
Yet, Mr Andrew Green MD of Greenway Home Improvement Ltd, will not address the substantial complaint concerning the porch project, the poor workmanship, the attitude from Greenway Fitters, Steve, John, Rob and the conservatory project in its entirety (itemised on Mr Greens list taken on?25 May 2011). Yet Mr Green has acknowledged photographs of the poor workmanship of his fitter that were forwarded to Ultraframe, the suppliers of the roofing system.

Source: http://www.foulbusiness.co.uk/review/greenway-home-improvements-ltd/22
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