The stars of videogames perform heroic acts on a daily basis. Whether saving princesses, planets, or whole galaxies, nothing is beyond these guys. The various exploits of Mario, Link and so many other of the big names are so well known that it hardly seems worth bringing clich?s up again. What I?ve tried to do here is play with the definition of ?hero? so as to be able to include some more unlikely candidates, and bring others into the limelight.
5. First Mate Rana- 1000 Tiny Claws
When a ragtag gang of pirates unleashes an ancient curse, who is sent in alone to crush the resulting monsters and reverse the damage? Rana, the only woman on the ship and clearly a braver soul than any of the men. When the captain begins to feel guilty and tries to take over this duty, she lashes him to the ship to save him the burden of taking over. Yay for girl power, which apparently allows them to destroy hordes of gigantic insects singlehandedly.
4. The Prince- Prince of Persia series
Largely for the constant feats of death-defying acrobatics that make up his games. As Sands of Time showed, he possesses a magical dagger allowing time to be rewound. Impaled on that sheet of spikes while running across a wall? Simply rewind, and give it another try. Missed that narrow pole and plummeted a few hundred feet off a cliff? Same deal. Does this effect cancel out the pain caused to the Prince by each mistake? How do we know he doesn?t continue to feel each impact throughout the game? Having the determination to return to the scene of a painful failure, with a lesson learned, is certainly heroic in my book. The noble causes he happens to be serving at the time are a plus too.
3. Susumu Hori- Mr Driller series
Ridiculous as this is, it needs to be said. Susumu is the star of this oddball puzzle series. Though he may dress like someone?s worst cosplay nightmare, he?s one valiant little dude. He digs ever downwards, drilling through endless colourful blocks on his way to that tantalisingly distant goal. What compels him to do this, and risk the twin dangers of running out of air and being crushed by falling blocks? The concept of higher scores are nothing to Susumu. He risks his life continually, purely for the player. Because he loves us. Bless the little pink freak.

Camp isn't the word. 'Incredibly camp' is close, but that's two words.
2. Red (or whatever you chose to name him/her)- Pok?mon series
Sure, Pok?mon has been recycling the same basic plot since it was established by Red and Blue. This doesn?t affect the quality of the games, nor does it detract from the protagonist?s achievement. This is a young child, who had almost no Pok?-knowledge at all. They decide to set off on their own, starting entirely from scratch, on a journey to become world champion. The ambition alone is admirable enough, but most importantly: they?re actually successful. Taming enormous beasts and being accepted as master by a being as powerful as Mewtwo? When you?re too young to really be allowed out on your own in the first place? Impressive stuff, I?d say.
1. Guardian of Earth- Who?s That Flying
The greatest hero in the history of Playstation Minis. The Guardian of Earth is an immensely powerful being, sworn to protect mere humans. Each planet has one, but none are as effortlessly cool as ours. He showboats for magazine covers. He poses gleefully for paparazzi. He defeats an entire cosmos full of generally unpleasant invaders singlehandedly. He shoeboats some more.
What a guy.
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